Why I Refuse to Feed My Art to the AI Beast: A Creative’s Stand

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Everything we put online is now at risk of being scraped by AI, and until the law catches up, there seems little point in sharing original content. This reality is disheartening, particularly for those of us who have dedicated decades to our craft. Why should I write a book if it’s just going to be scraped? Why should I put more ideas out there only to train AI systems like Grock?

The motivation to continue creating under these circumstances is dwindling. It feels like they are drawing blood from a stone. I have given 30 years of my life to this art, and it’s exhausting to see it being exploited without fair compensation. It’s not enough for them to demand so much from us; they expect us to bend to every whim while they harvest the one thing of real value we possess—our art. And frankly, it’s infuriating. Our work is not theirs to take.

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