Talking with Keri from Unsafe Space

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Talking with Keri from Unsafe Space

The speaker used to be closed off online and only accepted friend requests from people they had met in person, but when their beliefs started changing, they wanted to find more people who were going through the same change. They started friending people and made good friends who they have now met in person. They lost some friends in the process, but it revealed the superficiality of those friendships. They had a similar experience before during a divorce when people picked sides. They recently lost a real-life friend who had drastically different beliefs and was closed-minded and toxic. The friend would post negative and hateful things, and if anyone challenged her, she would view it as aggression towards her. The speaker tries not to engage in the same toxic behaviors, but sometimes finds it difficult. They admire others who manage to rise above and show restraint online, but it can be hard when faced with negativity. They have different views on name-calling in discussions versus third parties who are public figures. The speaker once got a suspension for a joke tweet about Donald Trump. They believe that if you fall afoul of a certain group, they will mass report everything until something sticks and you get banned. They suspect that there are employees at social media companies who target specific individuals and try to find reasons to ban or suspend them, even if those reasons are made up.