That’s Our Bush!

That’s Our Bush!

Bush falls off bike

This is what happens when Daddy Bush takes off the training wheels…

Bush suffered minor abrasions to his chin, upper lip, nose, right hand and both knees, but was able to ride back home, Duffy said.

Wow, he got himself injured during the Iraq war, but not quite how people would imagine…

Tubb treated the president at the scene. Bush was wearing a helmet and a mouth guard when he fell, Duffy said.

Buahahahahaha! He wore a mouthguard riding a bicycle?

In January 2002, Bush fainted for a brief time in the residence of the White House while eating a pretzel and watching a professional football game on television.

OK, so let me get this straight. Our wartime President get injured twice in his term. Once from falling of a bike and the other from choking on a pretzel. Its no surprise this guy wears a mouthguard whilst riding a bicycle — he seems a little accident-prone. 🙂

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